Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I was reading in the scriptures and was drawn to Doctrine and Covenants 35: 8-10. It says,

8 For I am God, and mine arm is not shortened; and I will show miracles, signs, and wonders, unto all those who believe on my name.

9 And whoso shall ask it in my name in faith, they shall cast out devils; they shall heal the sick; they shall cause the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak, and the lame to walk.

10 And the time speedily cometh that great things are to be shown forth unto the children of men;

When we started this journey with Will, it was not easy to have faith. I kept thinking, 'How could I possibly have faith in a miracle when it hasn't happened for us in the past?' We had so much faith that Heavenly Father would save our daughter. But she died. Then the questions began. Why do bad things happen to good people? Aren't we good parents? Did we not have enough faith? The pain of that experience is still with me every day. So how can I possibly have faith through this experience?

It is a daily choice. Does Heavenly Father love me? Without a doubt. Does he want what's best for me? Of course. But sometimes we don't know what that might be. I know one thing, I wouldn't trade the things I've learned and the strength I've gained through my experiences. Besides, who's to say a miracle DIDN'T happen? Our perfect baby girl was brought into this world to receive her body. I get to be her mother forever. Is that not a miracle?

After reading this scripture in Doctrine and Covenants, I felt a sure hope blossom in my heart. I DO have faith that Heavenly Father can heal Will. I KNOW He can do it. Does that mean He will heal him? That is to be seen. But I know He can, and that's the point. I need to hold onto my faith and hope. I need to know at the end of the day that I've given Will everything I have. But more importantly, I need to know I've given my Savior everything I have.

"Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith."~ President Dieter F. Uchtdorf


  1. I LOVE this. Felt like I just read an Ensign article. You should consider sharing in the Ensign, because I KNOW there are people out their in your shoes, but don't have the same insight and faith that you do. You have strengthened my testimony.

  2. Very well put, friend. Sometimes we forget to give the Lord everything. I know He will heal Will. This little guy is a fighter! The Lord always blesses you, even when you think he's not. Hugs to you and your family! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I know it's not an easy thing to do. God bless you!
    ~Alysa K.

  3. Krista, you write the most beautiful posts, what a wonderful example you are to everyone.
    Sometimes losing a loved one takes my breath away. this is when i have to have faith to and i know I will see my husband again. Each day I live is one day closer to be with him.
    God Bless all of your family.
    Love and Prayers
    Janice Peacock

  4. I have frequently thought what wonderful parents you must be that God entrusted one of his extra-special spirits to you. And that is exactly what your daughter is. So special that she didn't need to learn anything more here on earth. What a blessing it is that you have learned to love and trust the Savior more through your experiences, rather than letting it make you bitter and resentful. Truly special parents!

  5. That is so good Krista. Thanks for sharing you deep feelings with us.

  6. That was really inspiring to me. Thank you for helping me build my testimony. I pray for Will and your family all the time. Miss you!
