Thursday, January 30, 2014


We sit down with the doctor and the knot in my stomach gets tighter. I'm nervous to see what he has to say, what updates he will give us.

As he pulls up the latest ultrasound on Will's brain, my heart starts to pound. The images pop up on the computer screen and he starts to explain the latest findings. 

The ventricles are smaller.

The cyst is smaller.

The texture of his brain looks normal, whereas before, it looked abnormal. 

I breathe a deep sigh of relief. 

More miracles .. and I can only thank my Heavenly Father.

The doctor continues and tells us there is one thing that is still concerning. There is a significant amount of fluid in the space between his brain and the skull. What does this mean for him? They don't know. Only time will tell. 

We move on and talk about everything else. 

The doctor goes through each system and gives us a full update on how everything is looking. 
Will's lungs are getting better. He is doing well on the new ventilator! He is digesting milk and is pooping without suppositories! His kidneys are functioning and he is peeing ok. His liver looks good. 

I start to realize how blessed we truly are. My heart swells with the deep love I have for our son. I look over at his tiny frame and marvel at his strong-willed spirit. We are so blessed!

What could make this day better? Holding my little man. 

As the nurse gently places him against my chest, I feel a burst of joy. I sit caressing his baby soft skin and breathe in his sweet smell. I am in LOVE.

 I realize now all the things I took for granted with my first two babies. I held them the first day. We were able to take them home from the hospital with us. I nursed them! All of these things flood my mind as I sit here snuggling my little guy. I want to be grateful for every single moment I get with him. I don't want to take anything for granted ever again. 

After 3 precious hours, it's time to place Will back in the incubator. 

My only consolation is that I get to hold him tomorrow.  


  1. I will never forget Cindy having snuggle time with Danee when she was in the NICU. I have never seen her more completely in a state of bliss. SO happy you get to have the same experience with Will! You guys are in all our prayers - we love you!!!

  2. May the miracles continue to pile up as the prayers continue to flow for you.
