Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Good days

Will is down on his oxygen requirement. The doctors are even going to switch him from the oscillator to a traditional ventilator! Big step for my little man. I'm a bit nervous because last time they made that switch, he went downhill pretty quickly and they had to put him back on the oscillator after two days.  We'll see what happens. 

I have been feeling more hope the last two days. Will seems more comfortable.. less agitated. He usually gets pretty mad when anyone messes with him. It's actually pretty cute because he flings his scrawny little legs and arms all over the place. :) But he has been a little more calm lately. 

We will be meeting with a group of doctors and nurses tomorrow evening to lay everything out on the table. Whew.

Thank you all for your continual love and prayers! 


  1. What an emotional time this must be for you. Our prayers go with you. What an exceptional spirit must live within that frail little body. How blessed you are to be his parents.
