Thursday, January 31, 2013

Her eyes

The first time I see her eyes, my world stops. Or starts, I can't tell which. All I know is that I feel a longing like I've never known. My arms ache to hold her. My heart yearns to know her. My soul feels so connected with her in this very moment.
I glance up and realize the nurse is talking to me.
"Huh?" I answer lamely.
"I was just telling you that I have a special place in my heart for miss Molly," she says. "I switched around my schedule so I could have more shifts caring for her."
My heart warms and tears come to my eyes. I have already felt such a connection to these nurses, Molly's gaurdian angels. But this particular nurse has been especially wonderful. I give her a side hug and tell her for the 10th time how grateful I am for everything she's done.
I turn back and look at my Molly. I relish the time I get to be with her, and suddenly Iam overcome with an intense feeling of gratitude to be her mother.  I sit next to my sweet Molly and pour my heart out to my Heavenly Father asking Him to bless her in her challenges. I can't help but feel of her sweet spirit as I pray. I feel as though my heart will burst with the love I feel for her, and my desire to help her in anything she needs. She is mine forever and I am so grateful.

As we drive home that night, I put on the song "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz. Every time I listen to it, which is all the time, I cry. I can't help it.

I Won't Give Up


  1. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this. I am sure it's hard. But know You are changing lives in sharing your story.

  2. Wow... you are amazing, Krista. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I love you, friend. You are such an incredible example of strength and faith. Thank you!

  3. You're a gifted writer, but more than that you have been gifted this wonderful family; Tyler, the kids... all 4 of them. Your words bring your soul forward so the rest of us can learn something from you. God bless you as you keep "dancing".

  4. Thank you everyone. And thanks for letting me share my story. Its been a great thing for me.
