Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Poopy diapers

You know how when you have a newborn baby, the poopy diapers are endless? I remember thinking when Lucie was a baby, 'If I have to change another poopy diaper, I'm going to lose it!' The amounts of diapers, laundry, burp cloths, and mess you clean up seems daunting.

I am at the mall and notice a young mother with her baby girl.  I gaze at the baby's dark curls on top of her head, and the big flower headband resting on top of those curls. She has long precious eyelashes that touch her rosy cheeks as she blinks up at her mama. 

I am getting choked up and start to walk away when suddenly I hear the mother say in a frustrated voice, "Seriously?? Another diaper?" She bustles over to the mother's lounge with a look of anger. 

This experience got me thinking about how I was with Lucie. The everyday monotony of taking care of a baby is hard, there's no doubt about it. 

But as soon as it's taken away from you, you would give anything to change a diaper. The thought of being up at night with them in their room is inviting, not overwhelming. You find that you want laundry to do, you want spit up on your shoulder, you want binkies, rattles, and toys to pick up off the floor. 

When we have our next baby, I'm going to try my hardest to cherish every moment, not just the rosy ones. As soon as I find myself wishing the dirty diapers will stop, I'll remember what it's like when they do. 


  1. I Sooooo needed to hear this right now. You always inspire me.

  2. I just wanted you to know how much I have appreciated reading your blog tonight (every word). I saw the link on Erika's facebook page. Thank you for sharing your feelings and letting me understand and feel some of your love and pain. I've been mourning sweet Collin, and tonight I'm crying for Molly and Sam as well.

  3. Thank you so much Katie. This is a very difficult time for Erika. So glad to hear she is surrounded by amazing support.
