Wednesday, January 27, 2016


A few days after we deliver our sweet little Grace, we talk about the possibility of adopting a baby. The idea fills my soul with warmth. This feeling continues to grow as the days pass, and I can't deny the fact that we are now meant to include an adopted baby into our family. But immediately the questions start.

How long will it take?

Will people think we are trying to replace our other babies?

Am I just trying to fill this giant hole in my heart?

What if nobody chooses us?

As quickly as the worries begin, they subside. That feeling of warmth fills me up again, and I know, as much as I know anything, that we are meant to adopt.

Tyler and I fly into action. We sit down and put an adoption blog together, research various agencies, and start to spread the word about our intentions.

I know there is a selfless amazing woman out there who is searching for us. Our hearts beat with the same love, the same goal. Now we just need to find each other.